Post Acute Center Services
Our comprehensive respiratory services for all levels of skilled nursing care forges partnerships with referral sources and reduces re-hospitalizations.

Re-Hospitalization Intervention Program©
Our Re- Hospitalization Intervention Program (RHIP) is the leader in preventing recidivism for CHF, COPD & pneumonia. Our 3-prong approach of providing education to staff & patient, respiratory assessment & intervention, and metric analytic trends has provided a 2% Re-hospitalization rate since its inception.

C.A.R.E. In- Patient Pulmonary Rehab Program©
Our Cardio-Pulmonary Assisted Rehab Experience or C.A.R.E. is an inter-disciplinary pulmonary rehab program designed for the COPD patient to help patients achieve and maintain the highest functional levels, reach clinical stability and experience a higher quality of life all while avoiding unnecessary re-hospitalizations. Our core principles are education of staff & patient, a need based individual treatment program, & a licensed respiratory therapist working in concert with the therapy team guides this therapy driven program.

C.A.R.E. Cardio-Pulmonary Program©
This advanced cardio-pulmonary collaboration optimizes clinical, operational & metric analytic trends to treat patients with CHF, COPD, a recent Heart attack (MI) and/or a recent open-heart surgery. This therapy directed program centers on an inter-disciplinary approach that identifies patients that need monitoring of the cardio-pulmonary response to exercise and endurance training.

High Acuity Pulmonary Patient Interventions©
These respiratory complex patients need respiratory assessments, interventions and recommendations from time to time. PEL/VIP provides 24-hour assistance for equipment setups, assessments, and respiratory support. These patients may be a Trach patient, a high flow oxygen patient, or patients on Bipap or Cpap and need managed care to prevent re-hospitalization.