Employee Spotlight Interview
Any favorite line from a movie? “He’s at another gate now, waiting for Saint Peter” John Wayne- Rio Lobo
Are you messy or organized? Organized
Best vacation you’ve been to? Destin, FL
Do you have a favorite quote? “Mr. Gorbachec, tear down this wall!”-Ronald Reagan
Do you have nickname? What is it? Mikey
Do you recall any embarrassing moment at work? I put my cold stethoscope on a lady’s back and she almost went through the roof!
If you could be anyone from any time period who would it be and why? The Wright Bros
If you could do another job for just one day, what would it be? Helicopter Pilot
If you had to eat one meal, every day for the rest of your life, what would it be? Pizza
If you were an animal what would you be? Bird-so I could fly
If you were to write a self-help book, what would the topic be? How to be Organized
If your house was burning down, What is the one non-living thing you would save? My box of records, receipts, important papers, ss card, etc.
Least favorite Food? Liver
Motto or personal mantra? Try to learn from your mistakes
People would be surprised if they knew: I lived in a haunted house when I was in college. Found out recently that it was actually a morgue.