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What should new asthmatics ask their doctors?

31368646 - horizontal view of happy patient at doctor's officeHearing the words “you have asthma” for the first time can be a little scary. Here are four questions you’ll want to ask your doctor if you’re newly diagnosed with severe asthma.

Why is my asthma so severe?

Although physicians can’t always pinpoint a reason that certain patients are diagnosed with severe asthma, the answer may lie partly in genetics: Asthma tends to run in families.

Is carrying an inhaler my only option?

Your doctor will want to do blood tests and ask you additional questions, but it’s possible you’re a candidate for newer, injectable therapies for your severe asthma.

How often do I need to see a doctor?

At minimum, you’ll want to see your doctor every three to four months while getting stabilized on medications. This will also give you both a good opportunity to find out what, if any, triggers there are to your attacks, as well as how to avoid them.

Is there anything I can do right away to improve my asthma?

Most doctors will tell you that being overweight makes asthma worse. So one of the first things you can do to improve your symptoms may be to get down to an ideal weight range, if you’re not in one already.